Archive for News

March 7th, 2012Newsbnewlook 0 Comments

Pictured front row: Aaron Tomey and Leslie Pryor. Back row from left to right: Steven Artascos, Josh Shaw, Eric Dix and Dave Dinch. A landscape company with residential and business customers, New Look Landscaping offers a wide range of services: landscape design, new foundation planting, renovation of existing plantings, pruning, maintenance, mulching, clean up, tie […]

March 7th, 2012Newsbnewlook 0 Comments

While shopping at a discount store, we ran into a flower seed display. It was like hitting a long red light. Did I buy any? That would be like me running into a bag of Chocolate Treasures – the peanut butter variety – and passing. Of course, I bought way too many. I am a […]

March 7th, 2012Newsbnewlook 0 Comments

As I contemplate writing my garden column, I’m thinking about the usual autumn chores: cutting back plants, repotting house plants that vacationed on the patio for the summer and fall cleanup. However, my mind keeps drifting to a bigger concern in my garden. When we talk about gardening, it involves the obvious: plants, topsoil, mushroom […]

March 7th, 2012Newsbnewlook 0 Comments

Norm Richards relaxes on his renovated patio in South Strabane Township. The backyard project was selected as the best residential beautification project by a county committee. The Washington County Beautification Committee honored county groups, businesses and individuals last week for enhancing their corner of the world last year. The committee, formed by Washington County J. […]

February 29th, 2012Newsbnewlook 0 Comments

Mail carriers have a saying about neither snow nor rain nor heat deterring them from doing their job. Landscapers would like a similar credo. But alas, they’re at the mercy of the elements as they work their outdoor magic. Snow? Forget it; this is strictly a seasonal business. Rain? Never get too comfortable with a […]